Saturday, April 12, 2008

Move it, Slacker!

Break down your goals. Plan out your workouts for the week. Don't just do it in your head, (face it, when it stays in your head it just stays there) Write your goals and plans down somewhere where you see it everyday and if possible multiple times a day. This will not only keep you motivated but will serve as a reminder to keep you from slacking.

Planning out meals for the week can be very helpful as well. Count out calories once a week for the whole week makes eating as planned a breeze.

Tell your loved ones or friends about what it is you are doing and ask that they may help out or compete with you. This will keep you motivated and focused on your goal so it would be less likely that you fall off the wagon.

Everyday when you wake up close your eyes and visualize yourself achieving your goal over a few times.

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