Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to Stick to a Fitness Plan Part 1

Ever make a "promise" to yourself to get your body the way always wanted? A lot if not all of people have done this at one point or another and plan their routine but get wrecked by something stupid and petty. Well try doing something you enjoy. For instance

not all workouts occur at the gym...

You can go dancing, bike riding, mountain climbing, swimming or any other recreational activity or sport. The key to sticking to it is to find something you enjoy and you'll end up doing it all the time.

A very useful and often overlooked tip is, writing in a journal what it is you want to achieve and the time frame in which you wish to achieve your goal(s).

If you are a beginner set reasonable goals and don't go out trying to be Hercules just yet.

1 comment:

top10weightlosstips said...

Great guide, I've paired it with an online program called http://www.workoutbuddyx.com , which combines resitance trainging and cardio together to drastically increase caloric burn and triggers the "afterburn effect",same concept as Insanity, and P90x but this one you don't need to go killing youself. Lost about 3% bodyfat in 2 weeks, good luck!