Sunday, March 2, 2008

Burn Calories More Effectively

Workout first thing in the morning (before breakfast) in order to burn fat up to 300% faster for 35-60 minutes. This works because after recieving at least 6-8 or more hours of sleep your body would be burning the stored fat and won't be dependant on carbohydrates you eat. Have breakfast afterwards, 15-30 minutes after the workout. Morning workouts explodes your metabolism into the fast lane and keeps it elevated throughout the day. Your metabolism in an elevated state will allow you to burn more calories.


To rev up your metabolic rate even more it is recommended that you eat at least 4-6 small meals a day about 2-3 hours apart. You kill your metabolism when you eat these big lunches and dinners because you allow yourself too eat too much at once and your body shuts down from the great load put on it. Your metabolism can only stay in an accelerated state when it is constantly stimulated by these "mini-meals."

Do another workout 4-6 hours after your morning workout and you'll be astonished by the results.

If you do decide to add a second workout let your morning workout be cardio because cardio is very effective at burning calories and fat. The second workout can be with weight training, resistance training or calisthenic training.

Organize a program for your self and stick to it.

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